ESG Risks and Opportunities
ESG Risks and Opportunities: Understanding the ESG Landscape

Event Invitation 活动邀请

ESG Risks and Opportunities: Understanding the ESG Landscape
ESG 风险和机遇:深入了解 ESG 形势

You are invited to join Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) for a series of informative seminars in Beijing and Shanghai, providing you with the insights you need to achieve ESG success.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures are no longer simply a "check the box" compliance exercise. Developing, understanding and communicating ESG and sustainability requires a rigorous plan. Companies need to understand the criteria contributing to their ESG assessments, to make sure they are aligned with company specific goals and define the steps necessary to evolve their ESG policies, programs, performance measurements and disclosures.

Our panel of experts will guide you through the current ESG landscape. Our program will help develop a plan for enhancing your current ESG disclosure, or evolving your ESG disclosure to communicate and utilize global reporting frameworks, as well as identify the potential risks and opportunities.

Conrad Beijing
29 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District,
Beijing, 100020, China

Date: 19 September 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 11:30AM – 2:00PM

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund
2 Zhongshan East 1st Road,
Wai Tan, Huangpu Qu,
Shanghai, China

Date: 20 September 2019 (Friday)
Time: 11:30AM – 2:00PM

Business attire

Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) 诚邀您参加在北京和上海举办的一系列研讨会,您可在会上获得丰富信息,深入了解如何在 ESG 领域大获成功。

环境、社会及管治 (ESG) 信息披露不再是“打个勾”即表示合规的简单操作。要想充分开发、理解和体现 ESG 及可持续性,则需要制定严谨的计划。各家公司需要了解进行 ESG 评估过程中应遵循的标准,以确保其操作符合公司的特定目标,同时制定必要措施来改进其 ESG 政策、计划、绩效评估和信息披露方法。

我们的专家小组将为您全面解读当前的 ESG 形势。我们的研讨会将帮助您进行合理规划,为您润色当前的 ESG 信息披露内容,或帮您改进 ESG 信息披露方式,从而充分体现和利用全球报告框架,并找出潜在的风险和机遇。

中国北京市朝阳区东三环北路 29 号

日期: 2019 年 9 月 19 日(星期四)
时间 : 上午 11:30 - 下午 2:00

中国上海市黄浦区外滩中山东一路 2 号

日期: 2019 年 9 月 20 日(星期五)
时间 : 上午 11:30 - 下午 2:00


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